Our Funeral Home Answering Agents Are Compassionate When Communicating With A Grieving Family Who Is Dealing With The Loss of a Loved One.
At Voice Link, our passion is people. No one thinks about calling a funeral home answering service until the inevitable happens. When they do, the voice answering the phone should sound professional and have empathy. We believe a telephone answering service for funeral directors is an extension of your funeral home business and we understand how delicate calls can be during this difficult time. We work hard to make sure you and your clients receive top-quality care by hiring knowledgeable and compassionate people.
Phone answering is our core business.
A Funeral Home Business is not an 8 am to 5 pm industry. Therefore, funeral directors are on call 24 hours a day. This means you need someone to answer your calls 24 hours a day.
That is where Voice Link’s live funeral home answering service can help you manage your inbound calls.
Answering Services for Funeral Directors: Delicate & Compassionate Agents Ready To Take The Call.
When a person loses a loved one, we understand how you need to be delicate when speaking with them on the phone. That is why we train our staff in funeral home answering service to be kind, and patient and let the caller know we care.
Our staff understands the customer is having a difficult time and we will be professional on every inbound call.
Funeral directors need live operators to answer the phone because of the emotions involved from a grieving family member who does not want to listen to a voicemail recording and leave a message.
Live Answering Is A Must For The Funeral Home Industry.
We are asked all the time, “Is it easy to get a funeral home answering service business account started at Voice Link?”. We walk you through the whole process of starting with answering service for funeral directors.
Once we get your information and design your script with all the questions you would like us to ask your customers when they call. Once we get the message from your customer, you provide us with how you would like to receive the message. We understand it is important that funeral directors get their messages immediately. With our funeral home answering service, you can receive your messages via text to your phone, email or we can patch the customer right to your cell phone.
Why Funeral Homes Choose Voice Link Answering Services
With Voice Link, you get to control when you want your calls forwarded to our virtual receptionist services for funeral homes. We are available to you and your staff 24 hours a day. All your incoming calls are answered with your funeral home business name.
Not all Funeral Home answering service companies are the same. At Voice Link, all of your calls are answered by a live virtual assistant. Voice Link’s live answering service for funeral directors lets funeral directors focus on what’s really important - planning and managing a memorial experience that satisfies the wishes and demands of the grieving family left behind.
Whether Your Inbound Call Service Requirements Are Simple Or Complex, Voice Link Can Offer The Funeral Home Industry The Following:
24/7 Anytime Availability
Live Virtual Receptionist Services
Customer Service Support 24 hours a day
Provide Callers With Accurate Service Information
Increase Customer Satisfaction
Voice Link Provides 24/7/365 top quality call center, order taking, and answering service plans. Sign up for our newsletter and stay up to date on industry news, helpful tips, and special offers.
We Also Provide Virtual Receptionist Services To:
Provide After Hour Services with Voice Link of Columbus
Elevate Your Business with Live Answering Services
How Answering Service Companies Improve Customer Satisfaction