The Customer Service Killer: Long Hold Times
In today’s on-demand world, your customers want customer service on-demand. One of the most common points of friction in a customer service experience is when a customer is put on hold. No matter if it’s 60 seconds or 6 minutes, it’s just too long. Even when your company has a stellar customer service reputation, being put on hold for a long time can mean receiving a bad review online, or even worse, losing a valued customer.
Shrinking attention spans
Attention spans are shrinking these days, as are patience levels. In reality of smartphones, 4G, and instant gratification, customers get frustrated if they’re put on hold; and even more frustrated as that hold time increases. So by the time they get a live person on the other end of the phone, they’ll most likely be agitated, even if the reason for their call was a simple quick fix. Minimizing hold times lets your customers know you respect their time.
Getting answers quickly
Customers can get answers to their questions at the touch of a screen or button these days. But when an answer necessitates a phone call, they want it now. With more and more customer service experiences being measured on the time it takes rather than the answer itself, being available for your customers quickly and in real-time keeps their confidence.
Overcoming a negative perception
Good customer service experience might just be the main factor in customer loyalty. When your customers’ service expectations aren’t met, they’ll leave; and they’ll take others with them. Long hold times can have a negative impact on your reputation as an easy-to-do-business-with business. Respond quickly to your customers and you’ll have happy, loyal customers.
Easing customer frustration
Nothing kills a customer service experience like long hold times. With the benefit of a virtually connected world, it’s easy for your company to professionally and efficiently manage customer engagement and reduce the time it takes for them to get the answers they need.
Voice Link of Columbus can help you build strong customer relationships with our live virtual receptionist services. Our customer service call center or answering service solutions let your customers immediately speak to someone in real-time —with an average hold time of 14 seconds!
Think of a Voice Link virtual receptionist as a dedicated member of your team. We’re committed to being there for your customers by listening, providing clear and correct information, and resolving issues in a timely and professional manner.
Find the plan that’s right for your business by completing this simple survey to receive a custom quote. Curious how much customer support can affect your line? Try our lost revenue calculator.