Free eBook Takes The Mystery Out of Choosing A Medical Answering Service
Today’s patients expect personal customer service and quick answers to questions about their medical concerns. They are quickly frustrated if their call is put on hold, or if they receive voicemail when calling a healthcare practice. In fact, a survey by the Consumer Reports National Research Center revealed that 75% of those polled said the most irritating customer service experience is when they “can’t get a live person on the phone.” This is especially true when they are calling a medical provider.
Many medical practices are turning to answering services as turn-key partners to improve patient communications. The right answering service will help grow a healthcare practice by saving time and money while making patients happier with personal and prompt responses. But a bad answering service can damage a practice’s reputation and drive patients to seek more reliable and attentive care elsewhere.
At Voice Link of Columbus, Inc., we know that choosing an answering service to partner with your practice can be tricky. We know because Voice Link’s owner, JoAnn Fussell, has been there, and her experience led her to create the answering service she wasn’t able to find when she was working in the medical field. Her experience with low-quality, overpriced answering services taught her exactly what she wanted in a service, which is why she created Voice Link to meet the unique needs of healthcare practitioners.
Voice Link’s free eBook, The Quick & Complete Guidebook To Choosing A Medical Answering Service Provider, includes all the considerations you should take into account when evaluating an answering service, or call center, for your practice. It will tell you:
- The key performance standards to look for
- Red flags to watch out for
- How to tell if an answering service is truly HIPAA compliant
- What you should expect from the best answering services
Click here to receive your free eBook, The Quick & Complete Guidebook To Choosing A Medical Answering Service Provider, and you’ll be on your way to finding the best answering service fit for your specific healthcare practice needs and goals. You don’t run your medical practice based on trial and error, and finding the right answering service shouldn’t be handled that way either. Trust us, your staff and your patients will thank you.
If you’d also like to learn more about how a compassionate, live answering service can serve your practice, contact Voice Link of Columbus, Inc. Customized communication solutions, secure HIPAA/HiTech messaging, and appointment scheduling will save you time and money while optimizing patient care. Request information online or call us at (800) 262-2799 for a free consultation.